International Exchange on the Algae Farmhouse – May 25, 2022

Following the LuTraCo kick-off event, Prof. Ben Hankamer (University of Queensland) visited IGV to discuss future collaboration opportunities and to get an impression of the Algae Farmhouse Technology (AFT). In addition to the managing directors of IGV, Prof. Rawel from the University of Potsdam was also on site with his team.

BMWK´s Innovation Day for SMEs 2022 – June 23, 2022

After a two-year break due to corona, it was time again on June 23. The BMWK’s Innovation Day for SMEs opened its doors and provided an insight into successful innovations as well as information on various innovation funding opportunities in the most fantastic weather. In addition to the stage program (speed-pitch sessions, short lectures and […]

Kick-off event – May 24, 2022

On May 24, around 60 invited guests from business, science and politics met at the LuTraCo kick-off event for a joint professional exchange and networking in order to create the basis for finding ideas for new R&D topics for Lusatia. After the opening address by the organizers Prof. Groß (T+I), Dr. Haubold-Rosar (FIB) as well […]

The smarter E Europe – Intersolar 2022 – May 11-13, 2022

The Intersolar trade fair is one of the leading innovation hubs for renewable energies. For three days (May 11-13, 2022), our LuTraCo colleague and energy expert was able to get a very good overview of the possibilities of the future energy transition through numerous conferences, forums and exhibitions. From solar energy to green hydrogen, new […]

Visit to Poland and Heinersbrück – April 25-27, 2022

An exciting week is about to end. In addition to visiting the Agrargenossenschaft eG Heinersbrück and discussing innovations in agriculture, another topic on the agenda was meeting with the Polish company Citronex. Among other things, Citronex is known as a leading importer of bananas in Europe and produces tasty tomatoes year-round in modern greenhouses. The […]