Circular Bioeconomy Clustermeeting – 28. August – 1. September 2023
At the end of August, the international Circular Bioeconomy Cluster Meeting took place at various locations in Lusatia. It was about exchange of experience, international networking, knowledge and technology transfer. The multi-day conference was organized by T+I Technologie- und Innovations Consult GmbH (T+I Consult) Berlin in cooperation with the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU), the Forschungsinstitut für Bergbaufolgelandschaften e.V. (FIB) Finsterwalde and the University of Queensland (Australia). Nearly 100 international participants from business, science and politics attended the multi-day meeting, which addressed topics relevant to the region such as water management, environment and nutrition, as well as digitalization, automation and energy. A total of 59 presentations were given by the German, Australian and Polish experts. This also included two panel discussions per day and the “Farmers Talk” with farmers from the region. The cluster meeting took place within the framework of Lusitza Trans Connect (LuTraCo), which serves to support the transformation process of Lusatia as a former lignite region into a new perspective. The specific promotion of the development, application and market launch of innovative and sustainable product and process solutions to strengthen recycling processes in agriculture, water and food management is used here. The next meeting of the T+I cluster is scheduled for November 2024 in Brisbane, Australia, in collaboration with the University of Queensland. A series of project meetings with partners in the international innovation networks Water4all, Omniborne Systems and Microalgae, as well as the Food Systems Partner Network, are scheduled for the near future. The aim is to continue to support the partners from Germany, Poland and Australia in their cooperation projects and to integrate new partners.
Dr. Klaus Freytag, Lusatia Representative of the Minister President of Brandenburg: “Networking was excellently implemented at the cluster meeting with international participation. I assume that the new partnerships were deepened and consolidated. I expect further concrete proposals from the various players as to how we can not only improve structural change, but also how Lusatia can provide answers to the global challenge of climate change. Here, an active network is already being brought into the structural change process. Other actors must first build this up through conferences, etc. Thus, the cluster meeting can already agree on more concrete measures or projects.”
Prof. Ben Hankamer, Institute of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Queensland, Australia: “The entire international community faces similar challenges in terms of, for example, the supply of food, fuel, water and reduction of CO2 emissions. Economic, social, environmental, climatic and political security rests on this. This meeting has strengthened the links between Germany and Australia and expanded the common competence base. This is a basis for tackling the tasks ahead. That’s also about sustainable regional jobs and new export opportunities.”
Barna Varhegyi, Oase Professional, Hörstel: “The cluster meeting was an important hub between research, industry and politics, and in doing so was well positioned to find practical solutions to complex issues such as the treatment of post-mining landscapes in Lusatia. The structure of the meeting and the opportunities for direct exchange also allowed us to communicate specifically with other participants, which would mean many separate appointments in other ways.”
Jeffrey Ley, JL Algae Science PTY Ltd, Australia: “The cluster meeting provided an opportunity for all participants to catch up on the latest science and technology. We were able to gain a much better understanding of our Green Patch project and are confident that we will continue to do good work in our joint efforts with our German partner.”
Dr. Michael Haubold-Rosar, Research Institute for Post-mining Landscapes (FIB) e.V., Finsterwalde, Germany: “The meeting showed a variety of approaches for new value creation in the field of bioeconomy and promotes the exchange of experiences between scientists, farmers, processing and production companies.”
Ewa Witon-Morgiewicz, PhD, TC3 Ltd, Szczecin, Poland: “The Cluster Meeting thrives on the strong engagement of the participants. It was a pleasure to meet other professionals. We exchanged ideas about technological opportunities and plan to continue the discussions. We also hope for a joint project in the process.”
Torsten Schwieg, Managing Director of Verkehrslandeplatz Cottbus-Neuhausen mbH: “The cluster meeting enabled us to exchange ideas with other experts. We have been encouraged in our path. Our region is moving forward in the field of unmanned aviation. For many participants, the development of Neuhausen into an aviation-related business location was completely unknown. That has now changed.”
Image author: Tudyka.PR